中学生のにほんご 教科編 外国につながりのある生徒のための日本語 STEP 3
Japonés para estudiantes (niños y adolescente) de secundaria Edición JAPONÉS RELACIONADO CON LAS MATERIAS ( ¡para poder leer los libros de texto de ciencias, sociedad, matemáticas!)
Editores: 庵功雄 監修 志村ゆかり 編著
Autores: 志賀玲子 関口真理恵 武一美 永田晶子 ビアルケ千咲
Tamaño: B5
Páginas: 270
Fecha de publicación: 21 de noviembre de 2022
Editorial: スリーエーネットワーク
ISBN: 488319911
ISBN 13: 9784883199112
This is the third book in a series of Japanese language texts for junior high school students connected with foreign countries receiving Japanese language study support at their junior high schools.
It is a teaching material for improving the ability of junior high school students to understand school textbooks covering such
subjects as science, social studies, and mathematics.
In the fields of science and social studies, the content of actual textbooks is briefly examined, and many hints and diagrams are provided to aid students’ understanding of the content. The book is structured so that while the students read the text, they come to understand the meaning of sentences and solves the set problems/questions.
The mathematics section provides original mathematical problems. The procedure of study is the same as with science and social studies, but as it is difficult to cover only the Japanese in the question parts, “Mathematic Hints” to help with mathematical thinking are also included.
The book was created with consideration being given to students mastering how to read the text, as well as encouraging them towards self-directed learning through the habit of taking notes for different subjects.
This is a teaching material that will be the first step towards students being able to read and understand the content of Japanese textbooks.
Target users: Junior high school students connected with foreign countries receiving Japanese language study support.
Level: Intermediate (end of the JLPT N3 level)
Subjects: Science (life and types of plants, appearance of substances, familiar physical phenomena, changes in the earth), society (geography, history, civics), and mathematics
Inscription: Kanji with kana readings
Translation: Comes with English, Chinese and Spanish vocabulary lists
対 象:日本語支援を受ける、外国につながりのある中学生
レベル:中級(JLPT N3レベル終了~)
構 成:理科(植物の生活と種類、物質のすがた、身近な物理現象、大地の変化)・社会(地理、歴史、公民)・数学
表 記:漢字かな交じり 総ルビ
翻 訳:英語・中国語・スペイン語(別冊「ことばリスト」)
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SKU: 9784883199112
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